Sunday, March 27, 2011

March 25,26 and 27  Finnished putting the horizontal stabilizer together. Turns out Henrique really has a knack for this sort of thing. After about 50 rivets we didn't need to talk about the work unless something was wrong.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Ready... Aim... Fire, I mean shoot. (paint and rivets)

The month of February and was spent in Kipnuk AK recovering an aircraft (C208B)that went off the end of a runway. We replaced the engine, nose gear and mount, right wing and installed a temporary repair for the crushed rear spar carry-thru so it could fly out on a ferry permit.
March was spent prepping and priming parts for the horizontal stabilizer. This work is being done 20 minutes to an hour at a time a few minutes before or after work and will not be recorded specifically.
March 5 and 6 Added 8 nut plates a side to the horizontal stabilizer ribs for extra vertical stabilizers in the event I put this thing on floats.
Here are all the parts primed with “Green Death”
Hard points installed on ribs, next two photos on right.
March15 thru 17. Dimpled horizontal skins and primed, below.